Gorgeous Divine Mercy Rosary
Jesus is shown in most versions as raising his right hand in blessing, and pointing with his left hand on his chest from which flow forth two rays: one red and one white (translucent). The depictions often contains the message "Jesus, I trust in You!" (Polish: Jezu ufam Tobie). The rays streaming out have symbolic meaning: red for the blood of Jesus (which is the Life of Souls), and pale for the water (which justify souls) (from Diary - 299). The whole image is symbolic of charity, forgiveness and love of God, referred to as the "Fountain of Mercy". According to the diary of St. Faustina, the image is based on her 1931 vision of Jesus.
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Shipping time: 4-7 days
Chain Material: Stainless Steel
Color: Red and Blue
Size: 24 inches long
Beads material: Carved Alloy and Crystals
Center Piece and Cross: Antique Alloy
Beads size: 8mm